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SMSFs cheaper to run than ASIC says

SMSFs are not as expensive to operate as many, including ASIC and the Productivity Commission, have led us to believe, according to a report by consulting actuaries Rice Warner, and published to coincide with the start of ‘SMSF Week’. The report was commissioned by the SMSF Association (SMSFA) which has been continually irked by both…

Greg Bright | 23rd Nov 2020 | More
Six-member SMSFs one step closer

It’s been a long time coming, yet it may finally be here. The arbitrary cap on the allowable number of SMSF members, limiting funds to just four people, appears set to be lifted. The legislation has been delayed due to the pandemic but the proposal to increase the maximum number of members from four to…

Drew Meredith | 12th Nov 2020 | More
SMSF Association launches online training

The SMSF Association have launched a comprehensive series of online modules as they seek to evolve the delivery of the SMSF Specialist Advisery (SSA) designation. The highly coveted designation requires an extensive amount of knowledge across taxation and superannuation law, which has traditionally been delivered through short study guides culminating in a detailed examination. The…

Drew Meredith | 14th Sep 2020 | More
  • Covid-19, market turmoil, prompt move to SMSFs

    Preliminary unofficial data on registrations of self-managed super funds (SMSFs) points to resurgent popularity of the vehicle. While Australian Taxation Office (ATO) data has not been officially updated, unofficial numbers have been shared at conferences showing a spike in registrations, reversing a trend of the last few years – indicating that Australia’s army of 1.1…

    James Dunn | 3rd Jun 2020 | More
    Industry battles over early super release

    The superannuation industry is deeply divided over whether the government’s decision to change the super early release rules is really in the interest of the super fund members.
    The measure allows Australians to apply via myGov for access of up to $10,000 of their superannuation from April this year and an additional $10,000 from July 1 2020 for another three months.

    Contributor | 25th Mar 2020 | More