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Ever since the GFC interest rates around the world have been on a trajectory to zero, which acted as a proxy tax on investing for retirement for millions. But the current economic is a whole new ball game, writes Drew Meredith.
Sentiment around retirement prospects is declining across the board in Australia, with millionaires almost as likely as less affluent investors to believe it would take a miracle to retire securely. Recent reports highlight the correlation between the new economic uncertainty and reduced confidence in a comfortable retirement.
Australians should be putting more money into superannuation and diversifying out of property, some say, even as super performance remains a question mark.
As the quantum of advisers has decreased those that remain have consolidated client books, which has led to a higher proportion of high-balance SMSFs coming under advice.
By holding ground in areas such as quality of life, material well-being, finances and health while other countries fell back, Australia moved up two spots to 5th on the latest Natixis Global Retirement Index.
There are a range of factors that will determine the fees a member will pay. The difference could have a dramatic effect on the final balance of a retiree’s nest egg.
There were no recommendations in the Retirement Income Review final report, and nor did there need to be. In the highly charged political environment around super, there was sufficient evidence for the Government to do what it wants. Michael Callaghan, the chair, and his two panelists, Carolyn Kay and Deborah Ralston, deliver more than 600…
Given the Retirement Income Panel’s work over the past year, super funds need no more motivation to answer the critical question: how can funds deliver an adequate pension to retired fund members? The question, however, can’t be answered without determining what an ‘adequate’ pension is. This ResearchBite considers how a hypothetical fund creating an income-targeted…
Australia has slipped from third place in the world rankings for adequacy, sustainability and integrity of our super system to fourth place, being leap-frogged by new entrant Israel. The impact of COVID-19 has cost almost all systems, particularly those which allowed access to savings or relaxed contributions rules. The Mercer CFA Institute 12th annual global…
If you are looking for one word to describe 2020, ‘volatility’ would seem to fit the bill. Every aspect of our lives, whether it be financially, socially, or work, has been like a roller-coaster ride. Into lockdown, out of lockdown. Often isolated from family or close friends. And then coping with investment markets that have…