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  • George Lin

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  • The Inside Adviser

Private credit in poll position to alleviate housing crisis: KeyInvest

Spurred by the speed and flexibility of private credit, developers are eschewing banks in favour of trusted non-bank lenders. The lending market’s evolution is good news for housing in Australia.

Tahn Sharpe | 22nd Jul 2024 | More
Advisers are ready for the private credit era, but are their clients?

As the world of private capital expands, and advisers depend on it more as an alternative diversifier, one group has questioned whether advice clients know enough about it and if more education is required.

Tahn Sharpe | 24th Jun 2024 | More
Private credit not so alternative anymore: KeyInvest

Market forces and changing winds in the banking sector have supercharged private credit, which is growing faster than any other arm in private capital. For advisers, that might mean reassessing which portfolio sleeve it slots into.

Tahn Sharpe | 20th Jun 2024 | More
  • Is private credit the real deal, or is it ‘more sizzle than steak’?

    It’s been lauded as anything from a ‘”short-term fad” to the next great diversifier, but while private credit polarises investors it continues to provide robust, stable returns. Are private credit managers good enough to maintain their rapid ascension in the private capital arena?

    Staff Writer | 17th Jun 2024 | More
    Regal Partners bets big on private credit surge with $235M Merricks acquisition

    While private credit is experiencing growing pains in some major markets, its rise continues apace back home with Regal Partners making another significant acquisition in the sector.

    Tahn Sharpe | 5th Jun 2024 | More
    Why private credit is a double-edged sword

    Private credit has seen huge inflows in recent years, but contrary to the claims made by some of its advocates it’s not a defensive asset class or a substitute for investment grade corporate and sovereign bonds.

    George Lin | 6th May 2024 | More
  • No time like the present for senior secured loans: Invesco

    Senior secured loans recover strongly from economic downturns and plenty of corporates are well prepared for any ructions ahead. Still, active management matters when it comes to selecting new deals.

    Staff Writer | 18th Sep 2023 | More
    Why Invesco thinks now is the time for senior secured loans

    There’s still ample opportunity for loans generate higher than historical average returns, with Invesco expecting outperformance over the next 6-12 months. And with a recession potentially on the horizon they come with downside protection included.

    Staff Writer | 22nd Aug 2023 | More
  • Clarity of purpose is what we want to see in borrowers: Epsilon

    The mid-market private manager’s co-founding partner, Mick Wright-Smith, expounds on the biggest red flag borrowers can wave, as well as the lending advice he’d like to give to his younger self.

    Tahn Sharpe | 27th Jul 2023 | More
    ‘Opaque’ private credit purveyors add value, but quality is key: Mason Stevens

    The proliferation of private credit providers in recent years is a boon for investors, explains Andrew Ash from Mason Stevens. But the attraction of diversification and returns comes with several caveats that investors should consider.

    Tahn Sharpe | 24th Jul 2023 | More