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The government’s plan to offer more flexibility around simple and scoped advice dovetails well with the advice format consumers prefer, according to new research from Investment Trends.
Peoples’ notion of how they will fund their retirement habitually downplays the role of social security. Reflecting a lack of understanding about how the different income streams interact, it behoves superannuation funds to better educate their members.
Advisers now spend a staggering amount on technology in an effort to keep up with efficiency needs and client expectations. Security is still front of mind, but integration is the buzzword for 2024.
The good news? Millions of unadvised Australians see the value in financial advice. The bad news is that the vast majority remain reluctant to attach market rates to that value, even if the advice is digital. But all that has the potential to change.
The continuing decline in online investment can be traced back to a few developments, but it must also sit alongside a reminder that usage peaked dramatically in the pandemic.
Advisers still place a lot of emphasis on historical performance and fees when they sum up the value of a fund manager, but it’s the thinking behind their investment process that really matters.
There are now an average of 120 clients per adviser in Australia – a number not seen since 2013. While the declining adviser cohort is a factor, so is the improved experience of advisers with technology according to researcher Investment Trends.
Investment platform provider Praemium explains that while there is an “increasingly positive” attitude towards financial advice, the needs of HNW investors are taking on a whole new identity.
Despite a growth hiccup in 2022 the SMSF sector is trending in the right direction, with more younger people opting for choice in the way they manage their retirement savings.
Recent research reveals high-net-worth investors have reduced in number this year while accumulating more investable assets, with this cohort taking a “more subdued outlook” for the coming year. Investors’ asset class preference is also evolving to favour defensive investments.