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  • Lisa Uhlman

  • Staff Writer

  • Tahn Sharpe

UK’s Atlantic House spots income gap, brings uncorrelated fund to local market

The UK investment team co-founded by Andrew Lakeman is banking on its ability to bring liquid alternatives to markets that are on the hunt for non-correlated diversifiers.

Tahn Sharpe | 8th Aug 2024 | More
Real diversification requires proactive allocation strategies: Atlantic House

How do investors stay on top of diversification and maintain adequate levels of non-correlation when markets oscillate with every breath, when asset relationships are as fickle as they are malleable?

Tahn Sharpe | 24th Jul 2024 | More
Portfolios are (still) missing real diversification and downside protection

The private markets have surged in popularity as investors hunt for a potent combination of yield and downside protection. But in a big selloff, the strategy that will do best is one that’s genuinely uncorrelated.

Staff Writer | 24th Jun 2024 | More
  • One way to avoid the sequencing risk ‘nightmare’

    Nobody really cares about outperforming benchmarks – they want to make real money and avoid real losses. Atlantic House thinks it’s got the perfect way to do just that.

    Staff Writer | 30th May 2024 | More
    Once maligned, derivatives shine as investors rethink volatility

    Derivatives should not be a “dirty word” for investors looking for better returns, capital protection and diversification at a time when volatility and higher inflation appear here to stay, according to Atlantic House Group’s Andrew Lakeman and Global X’s Evan Metcalf.

    Lisa Uhlman | 27th Sep 2023 | More