Nick Dignam from Fortitude Investment Partners shares insights with Lachlan Maddock from Fortitude Investment Partners on how a diversified portfolio in mid-market private equity is structured. The Inside Adviser
The world of alternative investments is at a crossroads. As markets defy expectations and liquidity concerns take centre stage, investors find themselves forced to rethink how they deploy capital in an increasingly complex environment.
A s h o r t s u m m a r y s h e e t f o r c l i e n t s a n d a d v i s e r s , o u t l i n i n g t h e m a n y t y p e s a n d o p t i o n s i n t h e f a s t g r o w i n g s e c t o r .
It’s the showdown of the equities funds management world: not value vs. growth, but long-only versus long-short. Do long-only managers fight with one hand pinned behind their backs, as their long-short counterparts assert? We tested a random pair.
In case any active managers needed reminding, asset consulting firm Frontier Advisors has confirmed that 2024 was the most challenging year for global active equity managers in more than two decades.
Self-funded retirees understand the capital risk in holding the ‘big four’. It’s one they’re prepared to take knowing their effective grossed-up yields are much higher than the nominal figure.