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Income targeting in a Retirement Portfolio

Given the Retirement Income Panel’s work over the past year, super funds need no more motivation to answer the critical question: how can funds deliver an adequate pension to retired fund members? The question, however, can’t be answered without determining what an ‘adequate’ pension is. This ResearchBite considers how a hypothetical fund creating an income-targeted…

Contributor | 29th Oct 2020 | More
Finally, a win for retirees

The ATO delivered some positive news, approving fractional property investment platform Domacom’s’ application to broaden the use of the $300,000 downsizer contribution.

Drew Meredith | 27th Aug 2020 | More
  • Social housing – A potential for good returns while helping those in need

    A nascent asset class is emerging on the back of the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). NDIS is a welfare support scheme of the Australian Government that funds costs associated with disability.

    Contributor | 21st Jul 2020 | More
    There is a problem with retirement incomes but it isn’t the super guarantee

    There is a case for not proceeding with, or at least further deferring, the legislated increase in employers’ compulsory superannuation contributions from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent.

    Contributor | 23rd Jul 2019 | More