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Foresters is combining its 150 year history with one of the newest investment platforms on the market to reach a whole new audience for its Education Bond offering.
The emerging markets pioneer turned a $100 million fund into a $60 billion behemoth over 30 years. And even now, well past 80, Mark Mobius still spends 250 days of the year on the road researching companies.
Handling emotionally charged phone calls as a Lifeline counsellor taught Jon Moses the patience required to conduct forensic searches for lost shares and dividends belonging to deceased estates.
The compliance software provider has acquired consultancy provider MIntegrity in a move Complii chairman Craig Mason hopes will “open the door” to further business opportunities.
A visit to an adviser at a young age gave Paul Nicol pause for thought. Instead of just investing with the help of a financial planner, why not put in the hard work and become one?
With the right application, education bonds can provide a long term savings plan for a child or grandchild’s education that is both flexible and tax-savvy.
Much of the 2.4 per cent decline in global wealth in 2022 – the second-biggest this century – stemmed from US dollar appreciation, but even controlling for exchange rates it was the slowest wealth increase since the GFC, UBS and Credit Suisse said in a new report. And for the first time, Australia did not record the highest median wealth in the developed world.
Of the 8,946 practitioner advisers who belonged to either industry group before their April merger, 8,093 have renewed their membership with the merged entity. The FAAA was “very pleased” with the 90 per cent renewal rate, its CEO said, urging stragglers to renew before a grace period ends next month.
It’s deja vu for global supply chains, but this time it isn’t a wayward tanker in the Suez Canal, but rather a lack of water in the Panama Canal that is threatening to derail trade, curb company profits and drag GDP all over the world.
By age 24 he had more clients than he could handle. On his 26th birthday Josh was appointed as a director at Link Wealth Group. “I hit the ground running,” he says. “I enjoyed doing it and just engulfed myself in it.”
The Australian Taxation Office has extended its data collection to more rigorously check numbers in FY23 tax returns and cut down on tax cheats. Advisers and their accountants are passing the message onto taxpayers.
Hatry’s downfall certainly provides a cautionary tale of the dangers of financial excess and the depths individuals will plumb in seeking to avoid exposure and catastrophe.