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The Inside Network’s InnerCircles are designed to assist Australia’s leading IFAs, Instos and Investors overcome specific challenges and impart the knowledge each needs to gain competitive advantage. We are proud to be the destination of choice for members of the finance community seeking to improve their businesses and find innovative service providers via our InnerCircle…
Justin Arter, who previously headed the $62 billion portfolio managed by the Victorian Funds Management Corporation, has taken the role as CEO of industry fund CBUS Super.
RARE Infrastructure Traffic-reliant infrastructure assets have been among the hardest hit during the COVID-19 crisis as global trade and people movement ground to a halt. Yet signs of a tepid recovery are offering some hope for the sector, as the global economy begins its rebound. In this session, RARE Infrastructure puts forward the case to…
Why have risk assets been so buoyant since April? No shortage of opinions, so which is right?
The requirement to quarantine created the perfect conditions to push virtual meetings past the tipping point to general adoption. Are they here to stay?
As working from home has become the new normal for most people, there are still many opportunities for advisers and investors to cut through the noise and hear insights from some of the best investment managers and research teams with a range of webinars being hosted online every day.
The COVID-19 pandemic has begun to bite into the residential property market, with capital city dwelling values falling a cumulative 1.3% over the past two months – but this mild weakening could be just the start of a double-digit decline. Â
The ASX 200 (ASX:XJO) closed above 6,000 points for the third straight day, despite falling 0.7% for the session. Technology was the only positive sector with the major miners the biggest detractors, BHP Group Ltd (ASX:BHP) and Rio Tinto Ltd (ASX:RIO) down 1.7% and 1.0% respectively, amid signs of a rebound in Brazilian exports reported by Vale S.A (BVMF:VALE3).
It was another strong finish for the ASX 200 on Friday, adding 0.4% and finishing the week up 2.6% on the back of rally in both the healthcare and communications sectors. CSL Ltd (ASX:CSL), up 2.7%, and Telstra Corporation Ltd (ASX:TLS), 4.0%, were the standouts. The market continues to improve despite the worsening COVID-19 case numbers in Victoria and the US which seem likely to result in a second round of shutdown measures.
The ASX 200 (ASX:XJO) followed a strong global lead pushing 1.7% higher, with all sectors benefiting. The most stunning performance has come from Afterpay Ltd (ASX:APT) which after hitting another all-time high has become the 19th most valuable company at $18 billion; this despite losing $32 million last year.
Most global markets started the financial year on a positive note, with the ASX 200 (ASX:XJO) adding 0.6% despite reports that just 30% of jobs lost during the COVID-19 crisis have been replaced.
Sharemarkets around the world continued to rally overnight, with the S&P 500 up 1.5% marking the strongest quarter since 1998. The Eurostoxx 50 was comparatively weaker adding just 0.06% whilst the Nasdaq rallied another 1.9% as investors ignored the existential threat to Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB).