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Embracing Big Brother

Most of us have not experienced the current level of government and institutional direction of our lives. The impact on business is likely to be profound.

Giselle Roux | 4th May 2020 | More
ASX opens lower Friday, Microsoft report upbeat

ASX shares opened lower on Friday with the All Ords index down 3% before midday on Friday, following overseas markets downward. 

Drew Meredith | 1st May 2020 | More
  • Stress testing supply chains

    Our underlying companies in the Legg Mason Martin Currie Global Long Term Unconstrained Fund have shown resilience in terms of balance sheet strength and relative share price performance. However, given the unprecedented nature of the exogenous shock, and the recessionary environment we are going through near term, we have identified a limited number of risks,…

    Zehrid Osmani | 15th Apr 2020 | More
    Purposeful engagement is more effective than shareholder activism

    Shareholder activist groups are diverting company management’s time and energy towards narrow environmental and social causes. We explore why active ownership and purposeful engagement can achieve a better outcome for all stakeholders.

    Will Bayliss | 7th Apr 2020 | More
  • Assessing the impact on Australian small caps

    The COVID-19 global pandemic is unfolding quite differently to all other major market events seen through history. Governments globally are facing a delicate balancing act between trying to minimise the health impact of the virus, whilst managing the severe disruption to their economies. The sudden and sharp shock facing the global economy appears without precedence.

    Sam Twidale | 25th Mar 2020 | More
    We need to modernise how we measure national wealth

    I recently tried an experiment. I changed several light bulbs, and since one required a little rewiring, I sent my wife (also known as the majority shareholder) a bill for $110.50 (plus GST). In return, she sent me a bill of $457.98 for her preparation in late December of a sumptuous meal, plus her work managing all social connections associated with the holidays. 

    Gregory Mason | 22nd Jan 2020 | More
    The price of staying at home

    Regardless of where they live, investors have a significant opportunity to diversify their equity portfolio outside of their home market.

    Mike LaBella | 18th Dec 2019 | More
    The great wealth transfer: the risks and opportunities for advice firms

    Australia, like the rest of the developed world, is on the verge of the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history. It’s estimated more than $3 trillion will change hands over the next 10 to 20 years as the Baby Boomer generation pass on their wealth to others.

    Graeme Brant | 3rd Dec 2019 | More
    Markets may be expecting too much of central banks

    The third quarter capped the best year-to-date return for the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index since the first nine months of 2002. Although bond prices may continue to advance, we anticipate lower returns may accompany a rise in volatility in coming quarters.

    Vishal Khanduja | 22nd Oct 2019 | More
  • Talk about an index fund bubble is very passive-aggressive

    If you’ve seen the movie The Big Short you will remember Christian Bale’s quirky character Michael Burry – the manager of the Scion Capital hedge fund who realises the US mortgage-backed security market is a massive bubble. He goes on to make a fortune by betting on its crash.

    Richard Holden | 17th Sep 2019 | More
    The end of shareholder capitalism

    Capitalism’s days may be numbered – at least judging by recent polls. A majority of millennials reject the economic system, while 55 per cent of women aged 18 to 54 say they prefer socialism. More Democrats now have a positive view of socialism than capitalism.

    Elizabeth Schmidt | 27th Aug 2019 | More
    Developing a Trumptweet investment strategy

    On August 1, President Trump sent four tweets about China. With tweet three, which talked about additional tariffs on US$300 billion of goods exported from China to the US, Trump rocked markets by publicly escalating trade war rhetoric.

    Patrick Kaser | 21st Aug 2019 | More