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Australian small cap managers are some of the most successful active managers in the world – and charge like it. But their apparently anomalous outcomes might have a relatively simple explanation, according to Invesco.
Everybody knows about infrastructure’s inflation hedging properties, but not everybody understands just how unique that hedge is. Meanwhile, the world is going mad for power, and renewables are set to supply it.
The key to employing defensive assets effectively, Burtenshaw explained, is knowing what it will do and how it will act. “If an asset isn’t actually predictable, then it’s hard to defend,” he said.
Being caught up in a constant thrum of market activity might be advantageous for some investment teams, Desmond explained, but isn’t necessarily for those with a high conviction style.
Proper valuations are crucial to the transparency and stability of the private credit market, but the valuations that investors rely on are often just a story – and not the whole story either.
Private capital might house some of the most in-demand asset classes in the game right now, but the proliferation of providers just reinforces the need to know exactly what you’re good at and do it well.
Valuations are so high in India that people need to have “completely given up hope” before Pzena wades in and makes an investment. It’s shopping in China while it waits.
The Brisbane-based private equity team is backing the further expansion of its New Zealand-based Action Adventures, which has just made its second US company acquisition.
The benefits of alternative investments are clear, but rapid growth in the product set has made the optimal use of alternatives in portfolios unclear. As markets reach all-time highs, it may be time to re-think how we treat the asset class.
Protecting the underside of portfolios, and even thriving through moments of market distress, can keep more fretful clients out of the danger zone. A new generation of products are designed to do just that, and without sacrificing the lion’s share of outsized returns when markets run hot.
Despite a proliferation of providers entering what is an already crowded market, DNR Capital has managed to pull of an impressive run in the Australian Equities SMA space.
The prospect of riding the giddying, volatile rocket ship of tech stocks like Nvidia holds little interest for high conviction teams who back their proven investment strategies.