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It now sits aside recycling, reducing energy consumption and using biodegradable products as one of the most common methods of making a positive impact according to research from Australian Ethical and Investment Trends.
For ESG discourse to matter, it must translate into quantifiable action. That means broadening the conversation beyond the close circle of sustainability converts and having tough conversations about capital flows.
Sage Capital remains positive on energy and travel but cautious on iron ore, while remaining focused on individual company earnings.
Treasury has released for public consultation draft legislation aimed at closing a tax loophole for off-market share buybacks, prompting renewed fears over the future of franking credits despite assurances that mum-and-dad investors will not be affected.
The collapse of the fifth largest cryptocurrency exchange, joining a growing list of crypto casualties this year, has raised serious doubts about the asset class. Observers say more rigorous oversight is coming.
The long-running project has been shelved after a devastating Accenture report cited multiple areas of concern. ASIC chair Joe Longo said the ASX “failed to demonstrate appropriate control”.
Addressing the need to separate shareholder returns from real planetary impact, Robeco created its own framework that captures a company’s contribution to mitigating climate change.
Director Casey Taylor says money will be invested into eight impact investment projects, with $150 million going towards Victorian social housing.
While data is a big part of the Michael Birch’s new property fund play, he says the real key to running a rent roll investment is maintaining relationships.
Senior secured loans act as an important inflationary hedge in times of rising inflation according to the firm’s chief investment officer.
ETFs have revolutionised the investing universe for many good reasons. But ultimately ETFs are just like stocks – there are the good, the bad and the ugly.
The pendulum may have swung back towards active management this year, but the domestic ETF market is flush with options and continues to steal FUM.