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The uncertainty seen in markets over 2023 will likely continue over the calender year, but Invesco sees a lot of positives for loans that can only benefit investors.
Despite being buffeted by some serious headwinds, the sustainable investment movement shows no sign of slowing down in Australia.
Derivatives should not be a “dirty word” for investors looking for better returns, capital protection and diversification at a time when volatility and higher inflation appear here to stay, according to Atlantic House Group’s Andrew Lakeman and Global X’s Evan Metcalf.
Not all private credit providers are created equally, and due diligence is crucial for investors. But what separates the wheat from the chaff?
Amidst a tough environment for fixed income, agency mortgage-backed securities are one of Neuberger Berman’s highest conviction areas of relative value in the asset class.
Investors and consultants are bending their efforts to find navigable paths around headwinds buffeting the commercial real estate sector.
As the impacts of rising interest rates continue flowing through the economy, credit remains one of the most reliable and attractive ways to add defensiveness to a portfolio, strategists from SQM Research and ICG told a recent Inside Network symposium.
Senior secured loans recover strongly from economic downturns and plenty of corporates are well prepared for any ructions ahead. Still, active management matters when it comes to selecting new deals.
Meeting the Paris-aligned guidelines can be problematic for Australia’s big investors, but it’s possible to deliver compliant investment strategies with modest tracking error budgets using a layered approach according to one investment group.
The Bank of Japan has been marching to a different beat than other central banks. While the Federal Reserve, ECB and Bank of England hurried to ramp up rates in a battle against inflation, a deflationary mist lingered over Japan. Until now…
Despite strong fundamentals for the chip king, Research Affiliates says investors are overplaying Nvidia as the ‘safe’ hand in the AI game.
Rapid economic and geopolitical changes have led to a new investment regime in the latter half of 2023, according to the BlackRock Investment Institute. Investors should look to be agile and ready to respond to key themes, with the end of the set-and-forget era key among them.