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‘Experienced’ and ‘Relevant’ provider tags will only confuse consumers: FAAA

Consumers will be bamboozled by the government’s plan to divide advisers into “experienced” and “relevant” camps, the association explained. That, and the need for a sunset clause, mean the current proposal needs work.

Tahn Sharpe | 8th May 2023 | More
DDO deficiencies ‘across the board’ for product issuers: ASIC

The regulator has issued 26 stop orders against 18 companies for failing to adequately target financial products to the appropriate market since the “design and distribution obligations” regime began, it said in an initial compliance review. And it warned that closer scrutiny is coming.

Lisa Uhlman | 8th May 2023 | More
  • Insignia’s Mota: Advice review to ‘start opening doors’ for the industry

    The 16,000 advisers providing full-service, holistic advice aren’t the ones who can plug the advice gap, Mota explained. Levy’s plan, however, has the potential to facilitate a “quantum shift” in the industry.

    Tahn Sharpe | 4th May 2023 | More
    Adopt advice review plan now, ASIC can smooth any creases later: Levy pens open letter

    The advice review lead had said she wouldn’t comment on the recommendations while the government pondered its response. But with the consultation dragging on, she urged the government to get it done and let ASIC do the refinement.

    Tahn Sharpe | 2nd May 2023 | More
  • Ripoll: FoFA righted the ship, but QAR is right for its time

    While FoFA was the right policy for its era, Ripoll says the industry has come a long way and has different needs. The Quality of Advice Review’s proposals are an “important step” for today’s industry, he believes.

    Nicholas Way | 1st May 2023 | More
    ‘Experience pathway’ plan released, with no sunset clause and a bizarre anomaly

    Advisers can practice without a relevant degree for around 30 years according to the draft proposal. They do need a clean record, however – but only up to the end of 2021.

    Tahn Sharpe | 20th Apr 2023 | More
    ASIC to investigate ASX over possible Corps Act breaches in failed CHESS upgrade

    The hits keep coming for the country’s primary stock exchange, which is now under investigation by the corporate regulator for its oversight of the doomed upgrade to its clearing system.

    Tahn Sharpe | 29th Mar 2023 | More
    Transactional advice enables financial planners to meet consumers where they’re at

    The wealth management arm of Bell Direct believes the principles-based regulatory system proposed in the advice review will not only facilitate the dissemination of advice, but encourage development of digital models that will facilitate transactional advice.

    Tahn Sharpe | 10th Mar 2023 | More
    ‘Somewhat bemused’: Advice review lead, industry push for the adoption of proposals

    Michelle Levy said she was ‘puzzled’ by the government’s decision to conduct a consultation on the proposals handed down in the advice review, while industry leaders urged for the adoption of her reform suite.

    Tahn Sharpe | 2nd Mar 2023 | More
  • ASIC warns directors to up business risk disclosure in annual reports

    The regulator’s financial reporting surveillance program has turned up numerous companies failing to make required risk disclosures in financial reports, as it reminds directors of their obligation to provide investors with key information about a company’s prospects.

    Lisa Uhlman | 20th Feb 2023 | More
    New best interests duty to cover broader swathe of advice service providers

    In Levy’s new world, conflicts and vertical integration are likely to be accommodated by a new statutory best interests duty with a broader scope and a lower, more flexible bar in an effort to bring advice to the masses.

    Tahn Sharpe | 13th Feb 2023 | More
    Safe harbour steps to go as Levy sticks (mostly) to the advice reform script

    Levy made no major deviations in her final suite of proposals, with Treasury left to mull on a blueprint for reform that should usher in a less prescriptive, two-tiered advice regime. But there are a few tweaks that might raise eyebrows.

    Tahn Sharpe | 9th Feb 2023 | More
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