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The bad news that’s good news for markets: Invesco

Cracks are opening up in global economies around the world, with increasing unemployment a bellwether for softening conditions. A tipping point is on the horizon, but central banks remain wary.

Tahn Sharpe | 15th Jul 2024 | More
‘An asset you’d want to own’: Fixed income stability to offset rate uncertainty

Whether you perceive the RBA’s messaging to be balanced or mixed, the uncertainty serves as a reminder that fixed income is a vital sleeve in any investment portfolio.

Staff Writer | 8th Jul 2024 | More
  • Ongoing economic concerns present golden opportunity in Chinese market: Pzena

    It’s been one of the most disappointing regions in the world in terms of performance, but Pzena Investment Management thinks China’s bombed-out equity market presents “a real win opportunity”.

    Staff Writer | 3rd Jun 2024 | More
    Don’t sell in May and go away: Why stocks have room to run

    Indices are flush in developed markets the world over, but that doesn’t mean prices have necessarily peaked according to Invesco chief global market strategist Kristina Hooper.

    Kristina Hooper | 3rd Jun 2024 | More
  • Rate cuts by mid-year as ‘little victories’ chart the path to disinflation: Invesco

    The tailwinds for disinflation are starting to coalesce across the globe, which should give some central banks the ‘anchoring’ required to start dropping rates by the middle of the year.

    Tahn Sharpe | 4th Apr 2024 | More
    Expect volatility bumps in the ‘last mile’ of disinflation road

    It’s a narrow path to a ‘Goldilocks’ economic outcome with steep drops on either side. Any easing of inflation is likely to come with real market disruption, which should lead to more opportunity for skilled active managers to show their mettle.

    Staff Writer | 31st Jan 2024 | More
    Zero-rate anomaly won’t be repeated: Marks

    Interest rates aren’t going back to what the current generation of investors consider ‘normal’ anytime soon, according to Oaktree’s Howard Marks, and different strategies will outperform in the years to come.

    Staff Writer | 18th Jan 2024 | More
    ‘The stock prices will follow’: Earnings key to big-picture portfolios

    Understanding how macroeconomic changes may affect companies’ earnings profiles is key to Ausbil Investment Management’s top-down approach, which lets the fund manager invest with confidence in uncertain markets by focussing on the things it does know, says CIO Paul Xiradis.

    Lisa Uhlman | 21st Dec 2023 | More
    ‘The triumph of hope over reality’: Why Ruffer expects higher, more volatile inflation

    Faced with the option of stunting ‘financial stability or growth stability’, the US will only go one way. So investors need to protect against more volatility and inflationary pressure, Alex Lennard warns. But at least it won’t be boring.

    Tahn Sharpe | 11th Dec 2023 | More
  • Expectations ‘reshuffled’ as resilient inflation delays tipping point on rates

    Stubborn inflation is forcing central banks around the world to recalibrate, according to Neuberger Berman. Shorter durations remain du jour while yields are strong, but hedging against monetary easing (especially in the US) could be savvy.

    Tahn Sharpe | 9th Nov 2023 | More
    Yield components key to understanding US bond market machinations: Ninety One

    The aggressive sell off in US bonds has prompted many to speculate that interest rates have adjusted upwards on a structural basis. But Ninety One investment strategist Russell Silbertson takes a different view.

    Steve Russell | 27th Oct 2023 | More
    Wealth hits record high, but wealth gap widens even further

    While Australian household wealth is hitting new records, research shows much of it is held by just a few people, with the richest 5 per cent of Australians seeing their assets grow in value by 86 per cent over the last 20 years.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 9th Oct 2023 | More
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