Patience, discipline and leadership are all fine qualities for a test cricketer. Now a financial adviser at Viola Private Wealth, Peter Nevill doesn’t like to indulge in parallels between his sporting and business careers, but the current runs clear through the two.
Despite the high levels of demand, there are still very few providers that cater specifically to expats. It’s a problem Edward Cole identified early on, and sought to rectify in three main markets.
The evolving nature of advisers’ client bases, and the work they do for different parts of those, is leading to title creep. But there is little in the way of official guidance on what titles are appropriate.
It was a long and circuitous route to financial planning for the busy mother, but after seeing the harm financial distress could cause, Amie Baker was determined to help people stand on their own two feet.
With two kids under five and a passion for personal finance, Melbourne adviser Rebecca Pritchard is well placed to help other young women and their families shape the life they truly desire.
Contracts for difference are sophisticated investment tools that can magnify both gains and losses, which is why the regulator
Dealing with the complexity of her own UK pension led the adviser to specialising in helping clients to do the same. Since then, she’s become an expert in a field most other advisers shy away from.
“Some kids read cartoons,” the equities manager recalls, “and some read the sports section, but I used to read the stock market tables and try to figure out what was going up and what was going down.”
After witnessing the horror of the GFC, a young Leesa Swain decided to help mitigate the ‘ripple effect’ of bad financial management and start a journey in financial planning that has led her to a new, digitally led solution provider.
Making a connection is at the heart of any financial adviser’s value proposition, the consultant says. But to do that, the right language must be leveraged to understand what a client’s legacy values truly are.