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  • Drew Meredith

  • Lisa Uhlman

  • Staff Writer

  • Tahn Sharpe

Why I’m committed to ESG, despite the momentum shift

As advisers we tend to forget the incredible position in which we sit, as the stewards of client capital, with the power to determine what types of companies deserve or warrant additional investment. Our advocacy effectively provides capital to these companies to continue to grow and evolve.

Drew Meredith | 31st Aug 2023 | More
‘Micro AFSLs’ surge as dealer group models lose grip on advice licensing

The quantum of licensees may be growing, but none of that growth is coming from the big end of town. Advice groups are increasingly eschewing larger groups and pursuing autonomy in the way they run their practice.

Tahn Sharpe | 21st Aug 2023 | More
The unseen toll on financial advisers

Despite the emotional expenditure required to hold someone’s hand in the darkest hours of their life, whilst retaining a high degree of professional acumen, it is both a responsibility and an honour. But it can leave a scar, writes Drew Meredith.

Drew Meredith | 9th Aug 2023 | More
  • Are we still building portfolios for a zero-rate environment?

    Interest rates were never meant to be so low for so long. Wattle Partners principal Drew Meredith ponders whether the hangover has some investors lagging; are too many hanging onto risky assets, when low-risk returns are so easy to find?

    Drew Meredith | 28th Jul 2023 | More
    Opportunities abound, but don’t let recency bias have the last laugh

    Investors and advisers have a tendency to extrapolate recent events into the future, and the last six months have shown how dangerous this can be. For those reviewing and building portfolios as the new financial year begins, five key issues should be front of mind.

    Drew Meredith | 20th Jul 2023 | More
    Active v passive reimagined: When imperfect is perfect

    The popular debate lacks nuance. Neither are foolproof but both can play a crucial role in building portfolio resistance and balancing the risk/reward dynamic.

    Drew Meredith | 10th Jul 2023 | More
  • Has there been a better time for retirees to invest?

    Ever since the GFC interest rates around the world have been on a trajectory to zero, which acted as a proxy tax on investing for retirement for millions. But the current economic is a whole new ball game, writes Drew Meredith.

    Drew Meredith | 30th Jan 2023 | More
    Bringing performance into context after a shocking 2022

    Australia may have fared better than its international peers, but markets still took a pummelling in 2022 with traditional safe havens and equities alike bearing the brunt in a wildly dislocated market.

    Drew Meredith | 23rd Jan 2023 | More
  • From engagement to divestment: Woodchip mill saga a microcosm of ESG’s global path

    Being independent used to be enough to attract new clients, says Wattle Partners’ Drew Meredith. Today, they are increasingly demanding alignment with their own values.

    Drew Meredith | 12th Jan 2023 | More
    It never hurts to ask

    All advisers have a role to play in the transition to ESG, and it will be a spectrum of outcomes rather than a binary one. One thing we cannot forget, however, is the powerful role that capital flows can have on creating change.

    Drew Meredith | 14th Nov 2022 | More