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Last week’s conveniently ‘leaked’ government proposal on its plans to revolutionise retirement income for all Australians has brought retirement back into the headlines. The detail aside, the proposal couldn’t have come soon enough.
With many economists expecting the Reserve Bank to start cutting interest rates in early 2025, returns on term deposits could feel the pinch. Private credit is an alternative, but those pursuing this investment option will need to do their homework.
Peoples’ notion of how they will fund their retirement habitually downplays the role of social security. Reflecting a lack of understanding about how the different income streams interact, it behoves superannuation funds to better educate their members.
Working Australians aren’t getting real when it comes to plausible retirement ages and income levels, according to data from Vanguard, with a new report suggesting expectations get closer to reality as retirement draws near.
The government’s retirement income review is being told our current tax and benefit treatment of retirement incomes is a mess.