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  • Lisa Uhlman

  • Nicki Bourlioufas

  • Tahn Sharpe

Weak consumer spending a sign that interest rates have peaked: Economists

Australian consumers are showing real signs the largest and longest rate hiking cycle in 30 years is starting to bite. It might be the proof the RBA needs to see that its fight against inflation is working, adding further weight to the theory that rate rises are behind us.

Nicki Bourlioufas | 18th Sep 2023 | More
Westpac’s Evans sees no rate cuts before May as pessimism digs in

Bill Evans, who will step down next year after three decades as Westpac’s chief economist, says “deeply pessimistic” consumer sentiment despite the RBA’s recent pause is a sign of further hikes ahead.

Lisa Uhlman | 13th Jul 2023 | More
Central banks face a no-win situation: Ruffer

They can either tighten policy to squash inflation or ease to prevent financial contagion, but there’s no right answer for central banks according to Ruffer’s Duncan MacInnes.

Contributor | 26th Apr 2023 | More
  • Inflation peaking, but ‘conflicting forces’ keep rebound at bay: Sage Capital

    Green shoots of relief from central banks will take some time to filter into the economy due to a confluence of factors according to Sage Capital.

    Tahn Sharpe | 12th Jan 2023 | More
    Consumer sentiment down, spending still climbing as rates, inflation bite

    With inflation, interest rate hikes and other economic stress weighing heavily on Australian households, key recent data show consumer sentiment approaching new lows while overall spending continues to climb.

    Lisa Uhlman | 8th Dec 2022 | More
    RBA raises rates again, but end may be in sight

    More rises are likely to come but analysts say a confluence of factors may cap the official rate at around 3.1 per cent in 2023, providing relief to Australian households.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 13th Oct 2022 | More