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Australian Ethical Adviser Voice Series with The Inside Network: Rebecca Pritchard

Meet Rebecca Pritchard – a financial adviser Investing with Heart

The Inside Adviser | 21st Nov 2022 | More
Australian Ethical Adviser Voice Series with The Inside Network: Brad Downes

Meet Brad Downes – a financial adviser Investing with Heart

The Inside Adviser | 14th Nov 2022 | More
Australian Ethical Adviser Voice Series with The Inside Network: Farren Williams

Meet Farren Williams – financial adviser Investing with Heart

The Inside Adviser | 10th Nov 2022 | More
  • ASICs releases guidance on Ongoing Fee Arrangements

    The Australian Securities and Investment Commission, regulator of the financial adviser industry, this week released their long-awaited guidance regarding Ongoing Fee Arrangement changes set to come into force on 1 July 2021. In a positive move for advisers struggling under reams of compliance paperwork, the guidance replaced Regulatory Guide 245 and offers a straightforward commentary…

    The Inside Adviser | 17th Jun 2021 | More
    Limited relief offered for ‘unworkable’ FDS requirements

    By now every adviser, licensee and paraplanner would be well aware of the impending changes to annual opt-in, consents and ‘lack of independence’ disclosures. Combine these with the impending product design and distribution obligations (DDOs) and varying fee consent requirements from every platform, and a busy year lies ahead for those advisers that remain. Late…

    The Inside Adviser | 14th Jun 2021 | More
    The wide, wide world of ETFs shows no signs of slowing

    The ETF world has multiplied well beyond expectations. Index-linked ETFs are now a standard-bearer for investment portfolios driven by sticky active fund fees and variable performance. Yet their use versus desired outcome point to ease in choice, rather than a more considered approach. Additionally, advisers are often taking a stab at a regional index to compensate…

    Giselle Roux | 27th May 2021 | More
  • Advisers should ‘call out’ misalignment in investment markets

    Advisers all have financial benefit from promoting investments through an advice fee, or percentage of FUM. This is not a value judgement, simply a statement of how this industry and many others work. No one has come up with an alternative model that can balance all the conflicting requirements. Yet, as we know, there will…

    Giselle Roux | 22nd Apr 2021 | More
    ASX claws back losses to finish down 0.3%

    ASX pares losses, defensives in favour again, Nuix downgrades again  The ASX200 (ASX:XJO) trimmed losses to just 0.3% despite falling as low as 1.6% during the session. The selling pressure was driven primarily by the energy and property sectors as concerns about spiking global COVID-19 cases impacted confidence. The recently listed Nuix Ltd (ASX:NXL), a big data and analytics…

    The Inside Adviser | 22nd Apr 2021 | More
  • Data the greatest challenge to ESG

    The Inside Network’s inaugural ESG Masterclass welcomed leading financial advisers and subject matter experts across the responsible and ESG investment spectrum to discuss the biggest issues facing investors. With delegates encouraged to have input throughout the discussion, the unique format offered an opportunity to gain a ‘temperature check’ on the issues that are most important…

    Staff Writer | 19th Apr 2021 | More
    ‘Need to search beyond the index’ for clean energy opportunities

    The United States’ re-signing of the Paris Climate Agreement under President Biden, combined with a strengthening commitment on carbon emission targets from China, “sets the stage for a globally coordinated move away from fossil fuels.” That’s the expectation according to Ganesh Suntharam, chief investment officer of Redpoint Investment Management. Putting the ESG trend to the…

    Staff Writer | 15th Apr 2021 | More
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