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  • Drew Meredith

  • Staff Writer

  • Tahn Sharpe

  • The Inside Adviser

Advisers regain control of their future

To say the last few years have been testing for advisers would be a gross understatement. The reverberations of the Hayne Royal Commission, which highlighted important issues, though mainly those faced by vertically integrated institutions, has led to a big increase in compliance costs and regulatory hurdles. The result in many cases has been the…

Drew Meredith | 14th Dec 2020 | More
Annual opt-in confirmed, but more flexibility

It was a busy day for the Federal Government, announcing the proposal to disband FASEA, introduce lack of independence disclosure requirements and then finally, introduce a new fee disclosure regime. Advisers had been hit with an increasingly complicated set of rules when it came to receiving fee payments from ongoing clients. A combination of grandfathering,…

The Inside Adviser | 9th Dec 2020 | More
TPB review highlights over-regulation of advisers

Whether it’s due to the long delay on Parliamentary sittings or the realisation that financial advisers had become regulatory gymnasts, it seems the tide is starting to turn on financial advice. The establishment of the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and requirements for any financial advisers who provided ‘tax’ advice to be registered was no doubt…

The Inside Adviser | 3rd Dec 2020 | More
  • Advice regulation evolving before our eyes

    It’s been a busy few years for the financial advice industry and its regulators, including the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Yet if the past week is anything to go by, things are only likely to be get busier in 2021. November has seen a series of announcements, submissions and potentially wide-ranging changes to…

    The Inside Adviser | 25th Nov 2020 | More