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  • Lisa Uhlman

  • The Inside Adviser

ESG in private equity with sustainable returns: INDepth with Cameron Brownjohn from Federation Asset Management

Cameron Brownjohn from Federation Asset Management goes in-depth with Peter White from The Inside Network on ESG in private equity with sustainable returns.

The Inside Adviser | 28th Apr 2023 | More
Follow the deals: To thrive in private equity, back a good fund manager

With private equity becoming more accessible, retail investors can now take advantage of the asymmetry-of-information and diversification benefits PE offers, while its safe-haven characteristics stand out in the uncertain macro environment, according to David Chan and Cameron Brownjohn.

Lisa Uhlman | 10th Mar 2023 | More
Alternatives Symposium Melbourne 2023: INBrief with Cameron Brownjohn from Federation Asset Management

Cameron Brownjohn from Federation Asset Management speaks with Drew Meredith at The Inside Network’s Alternatives Symposium in Melbourne on private for longer, with extended growth pipelines.

The Inside Adviser | 8th Mar 2023 | More